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Saturday 6 April 2019

Tomorrow's medicines: key programme talks announced for EACPT Stockholm Congess 29 June - 2 July 2019

The next EACPT Congress will be held from 29th June to 2nd July in 2019 in Stockholm as a partnership between the EACPT and the Swedish Society for Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

The Congress will address Tomorrow's Healthcare Challenges and will be held at the City Conference Centre - 5 minutes from Stockholm Central Station.
The Congress Reception on the evening of Saturday 29th June, will be held at Stockholm City Hall, the venue of the Nobel Prize banquet.

The Keynote Opening Lecture will be given by the President at the Karolinska Institute, Professor Ole Petter Ottersen, on global health and clinical pharmacology.
Professor Urs Meyer from Switzerland will give the 2019 EACPT Lifetime Achievement Award Lecture based on his work on individual variation in drug response.
Further awards will be presented, including Scientific Awards, including Young Investigator, and EACPT Education Awards.

Around 60 invited speakers are expected from throughout Europe and beyond. Congress keynote lectures will include:

Plenary lectures
Ylva Böttiger:  Clinical pharmacology reaching out - 25 years with EACPT
Ole Petter Ottersen:  Global health research and education in Europe - how can clinical pharmacology contribute?
Harry Sokol:  Gut microbiota - a new actor in pharmacology?
Urs Meyer:  Therapeutic Lessons from Human Individuality
Rosa Giuliani:  Update on treating breast cancer
Jenny Kindblom:  Pediatric clinical trials and their pitfalls 
Tim Nicholson:  New targets in psychopharmacology
Sylvie Laporte:  Meta-epidemiological studies to detect, quantify and adjust for bias in open-label trials
Stefan James:  Innovative ways of performing clinical trials
Björn Wettermark:  How to measure drug utilisation

Cardiovascular prevention
Stephane Laurent:  Update on treating hypertension
Gerard Rongen:  PCSK9 inhibitors - going lower but for whom and at what price? Paul Hjemdahl:  Dual or triple antithrombotic therapy - is two company and three a crowd?

An ageing population
Denis O'Mahoney:  STOPP/START decision support for elderly prescribing
Anne Spinewine:  Prescribing in the frail elderly
Martin Henriksson:  How to perform a health economic study 
Olof Beck and Markus Meyer: How to measure drug exposure
Jan Marcusson:  How to make on oral presentation and feel good about it

Closing the money gap
Gerd Lärfars:  Horizon scanning frontiers
Andras Inotai:  How to solve money gap to ensure patient access to pharmaceuticals in EU counties
David Webb:  Health economics: big ideas from a small country

Personalized medicine : joint EACPT-EPHAR session
Henk Jan Guchelaar:  Clinical implementation of pharmacogenetics
Viktor Hlavac:  Pharmacogenetics of cancer chemoresistance
Seppo Ylä-Herttuala:  Cardiovascular gene therapy
Martina Schusler-Lenz:  Advanced therapy regulation in the EU

Interprofessional working
Ann Lykkegaard Sørensen:  Interprofessional approach for safer medication in psychiatry
Hanna Seidling:  Benchmarks for successful interdisciplinary collaboration

Debate: Deprescribing is Dangerous
Jamie Coleman:  For; Wade Thompson : Against

Targeting small populations
Caridad Pontes:  barriers to market access, 
Violeta Stoyanova:  drug designation and other regulatory challenges

Critically ill patients
Dario Cattaneo:  Anti-infectives in intensive care
Philippe Vignon:  New sepsis drugs in the pipeline: any reason for hope?
Christoph Stein:  New concepts in opioid analgesia

Antibiotic drug resistance
Johan Mouton:  Antimicrobial resistance. Could PK/PD be the answer?
Alexandra Aubry:  New treatment options for resistent tuberculosis

Polypharmacy: joint session with the Korean Society
Howard Lee:  Polypharmacy in Korea
Ho Sook Kim:  The clinical pharmacology perspectives for the optimal polypharmacy in Korea
Kees Kramers:  Polypharmacy: Acting on the cutting edge of safety, efficacy and compliance

Patient empowerment
Bettina Ryll:  Patient empowerment: Issues with introduction of a new class of drugs
Ann Langius Eklöf:  Smart phones provide smart patients

2020 drug strategy
Jordi Llinares:  achievements and future initiatives; Drug regulation in the 2020s:  Gonzalo Calvo: an academic perspective; Graziella Collu: a pharmaceutical industry perspective

Decision support
Matthew Doogue:  Alert, clinical decision support helping patients and hindering work flow
Lars L Gustafsson:  Clinical pharmacologists with computers - the way forward

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