Wednesday 9 March 2016

The EMA Launches new PRIority Medicines scheme - PRIME

The European Medicines Agency has today launched the new PRIME (PRIority MEdicines)
scheme to strengthen support for medicines that target an unmet medical need. The scheme focuses on medicines that may offer a major therapeutic advantage over existing treatments, or benefit patients with no treatment options.

A press release and further information on PRIME have been published on the EMA website, including details of how to apply. In the event of queries, a dedicated EMA e-mail box has been set up.

The EACPT, through its Working Group on Regulation of Medicines and Ethics will keep informed EACPT affiliated societies and associated members on any hot regulatory issue and other relevant information on medicines emerging from the EU regulatory framework.
The EACPT was founded 24 years ago and now includes as members all national organisations for clinical pharmacology in Europe, as well as organisations from further afield internationally. The EACPT aims to provide educational and scientific support for the more than 4000 individual professionals interested in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics throughout the European region, with its congresses attended by a global audience. The EACPT also advises policy makers on how the specialty can contribute to human health and wealth.